2. Getting Started
This section describes the process of signing in to the DroneNaksha.
After opening the URL you can see Login page. To create a new account, click on Signup link
2.1 Signup
After clicking on clicking on signup link you will be redirected to Signup page.
Enter First Name, Last name
Enter valid email id. If invalid email id is entered, an error message will be popped.
If entered email is an existing one, you won’t be able to sign in. Software would pop a message of ‘There is another account in the system with this email address’.
Enter a strong password with at least - 1 uppercase, 1 lower case, 1 digit. If less than 8 characters are entered, an error message would be shown.
To confirm password field, enter same password which is entered in password field. If ‘Password’ field & ‘Confirm Password’ field does not match then an error message would be shown, as ‘Please match the requested format’.
Click on checkbox of ‘I agree to terms & conditions’
When clicked on ‘Signup’ button page will redirect to next screen which will show a message as follows- ‘Thanks for Registering. An Account activation link has been sent to you email’ along with login button.
After activating a link which is sent on registered emailed you can Login.
After verifying email ID you can see message of 'your account has been successfully activated’. Proceed with Logging in.
2.2 Login
Enter registered email id, password & by clicking on ‘Login’ button you can enter into AeroMegh platform.
The user may login with his Google or Microsoft account by selecting the appropriate option.
Select a proper account to login with proper credentials.
If invalid email id/password is entered then by clicking on ‘Login’ button you will receive error message of ‘Invalid email id or password’
2.3 Forgot Password
If you forgot the password, then the same can be reset by clicking on ‘Forgot your password’.
By entering registered email id you will be able to receive mail for setting up a new password.
If unregistered email id is entered then you will receive an error message.
Last updated